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Dr. Jodi Cohen

Dr. Jodi Cohen smiling with her brownish/red hair pulled back and sunglasses on top of her head. She is wearing a beige linen scarf and sleeveless purple top, standing on a balcony with a gothic church in the background
Professor of Sociology
Hart Hall, Room 232

BA, Colgate University
MA, Simmons College
PhD, Northeastern University

Jodi Cohen is Professor of Sociology and affiliated faculty member in American Studies. She earned her PhD in Sociology at Northeastern University, her MA at Simmons College and her BA at Colgate University. Her research interests include youth and adolescence, education, cultural heritage and sport. She is currently conducting research in two areas: the impact of UNESCO World Heritage status on host communities, and the role of community in heritage protection. She was awarded the Apple Award for teaching by the New England Sociological Association in 2008, the Presidential Award for Distinguished Teaching at 猎奇重口视频 State University in 2009, and the Honors Outstanding Faculty Award in 2011. She currently serves as the Faculty Mentor for the BSU Field Hockey Team, and is a volunteer with the Bay State Games serving as a coach for the Southeast region's field hockey team.