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“Alma Mater” Gets New Lyrics

Story Series
ؿƵ Magazine

BSU’s Spirit Committee launched an Alma Mater Lyrics Contest late last year, after deciding the existing lyrics, penned in 1904, did not capture the institution’s modern status as the flagship of the state universities. Students, faculty, librarians, staff, administrators and alumni were invited to participate.

A subcommittee of students, faculty, staff and alumni, with guidance from Steven Karidoyanes, music director of the Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted a blind review of the submissions and made a recommendation to President Clark.

Ultimately, the lyrics submitted by Juliana Horton, budget manager in the Office of the Provost and current MBA candidate, (above, with President Clark) were selected.

“The words Ms. Horton penned capture beautifully and powerfully the values and spirit of ؿƵ State University and evoke a timeless quality that speaks to our glorious past, strong present and bright future,” the president said.

Below are the winning lyrics. See all the submissions.

“Alma Mater”

Our love of community guides us in purpose and thought, well aware, the courage to lead and inspire, the hallmark of ev’ry Bear. 

Alma Mater! Alma Mater! Rising to what lies before. Alma Mater, keep ؿƵ close to heart forever more!

Wherever the road takes us onward, a time will arise, now and then, with ever a sense of belonging, we’ll come home to you – again.

Repeat Refrain

For legions of those you have tended, your history vital and strong, for then and today and tomorrow, we join in our loyal song.

Repeat Refrain

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ؿƵ Magazine keeps alumni, faculty, students and their families, staff, and friends of BSU informed about the university community and its impact on the region. This magazine is written, designed and edited by the Office of Creative Services and Publications with the needs of its varied audiences at heart and in mind.

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ؿƵ State University
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