
 This is a content holder for the one button emergency notification system.

Important Information

Be  sure to review confidentiality and reporting to decide which option is best for you.

If you do not wish to make an immediate report, you still may consider preserving evidence.

Whether or not you file a report with the police, you may file a complaint through the University’s Title IX procedures.

Campus Reporting Options

 For a complete description and explanation of your reporting options, including privacy and confidentiality issues, please refer to Confidentiality and Reporting.

Title IX Reporting

Report alleged discrimination, harassment, sexual or gender-harassment, domestic or dating violence, stalking, or retaliation pursuant to the Equal Opportunity, Nondiscrimination and Title IX Plan (“EO Plan”) and/or the Student Code of Conduct.

You may file a Title IX complaint with the University by contacting the Title IX Coordinator, by contacting a Key Department listed below, by contacting a Responsible Employee listed below, or completing the Online Title IX Report Form below.


Key Departments

  • Residential Life and Housing
    • 508.531.1277
  • Office of Student Affairs
    • Boyden Hall, Room 106
    • 508.531.1276
  • Office of Community Standards
    • DiNardo Hall
    • 508.531.6177
  • Office of Human Resources
    • Boyden Hall, Room 103
    • 508.531.1324
  • Student Accessibility Resources
    • Maxwell Library, Ground Floor
    • 508.531.2194
    • TTY 508.531.6113

Responsible Employees

Certain University employees are required to report incidents of sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking to the Title IX Coordinator. View a complete list of responsible employees.

Anonymous Reporting

Important Information: In order for a report to remain anonymous, you must not reveal identifying information about yourself. Provide only the facts surrounding the incident.

You may file an anonymous report (without including your personal identification) with the Title IX Coordinator. Anonymous reports will typically be used only for statistical data collection under the will be kept confidential as required by the Sexual Violence Policy, and will not be used to initiate an investigation or a complaint except:

  1. When necessary to comply with applicable law; or
  2. To protect the health and safety of the campus community.

To make an anonymous report:

You may file an anonymous* report (without including your personal identification) with the EO Director/Title IX Coordinator by completing the Online Title IX Report Form above (please do not include your name or email address to remain anonymous).

*If you include personal identification in your email or voicemail, you will be contacted to confirm whether you wish to make an official report.

Criminal Complaints

You may also file a criminal complaint by contacting the BSU police. If you choose to do so, they will provide you with support throughout the process. Potential criminal sanctions include, but are not limited to, incarceration. You are not required to file a criminal complaint.